Program Committees

General Chairs: Duenas-Cid, David (Kozminski University, Poland), Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Roenne, Peter (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg).

Local Chairs: Debant, Alexandre (Inria Nancy, France), and Gaudry, Pierrick (CNRS - Nancy, France)

Track 1 - Seurity, Usability and Technical Issues

Chairs: Blom, Michelle (The University of Melbourne, Australia) and Gaudry, Pierrick (CNRS - Nancy, France)

Program Committee members

(to be announced)

Track 2 - Governance Issues

Chairs: Loeber, Leontine (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Borucki, Isabelle (Phillips University Marbourg, Germany)

Program Committee members

(to be announced)

Track 3 - Election and Practical Experiences

Chairs: Spycher, Oliver (Swiss Federal Chancellery, Switzerland) and Past, Liisa (Independent Election Expert, Estonia)

Program Committee members

(to be announced)